Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Potterton Performa Adjust Hot Water Potterton Performa 24 (without Central Heating) Has Problems Heating Water?

Potterton Performa 24 (without central heating) has problems heating water? - potterton performa adjust hot water

This is the first step (ie, has the water to a story) of the net. When you turn the hot water tap will be maintaining the light clicks and sounds of the boiler burner, "as if you are working. Until about 10 seconds, and then click Disable - as if a prerequisite for the warming of the water was not met. This can happen several times until he finally left in the boiler and heat the water properly. In some cases, continue to click on / off for about 20 minutes (wastewater ...), before I resigned.

The engineer has previously visited, and said that it was under pressure by water from the network. Companies controlled by the water, it was not the case.

The pressure in the boiler (I think, not next to the player at the moment)bar is usually about 1.5 / 2.

With the experience shows that the higher the flow rate of hot hot tap water, the more I'll get some water.

I wonder if anyone has any advice before calling a technician again.




GasManDa... said...

On the front of the boiler, there are a number of LEDs when the tap is running, which was above the key symbol of the pocket LED. This shows the flow meter of water is good. If the boiler is turned off when the LED is lit, the problem is not with the pressure of your water supply. Moreover, if it falls on the LED and the detector throughput (or flow membrane) may be defective.

The potential problem is the diverter valve, check the temperature of the LED on the front panel of the boiler when running hot water if it is to rise to -80 ° C and cold water, May the derivation is faulty, the fault is usually the bypass valve actuator. This is very easy to replace, do about 10 minutes.

And my final attempt could also be a problem wior the fan venturi, can not do much to check, but it can cause the same problem.

Hope that helps, but without seeing, it is very difficult to diagnose.


Your boiler needs only 2.5 liters / min work to the network, which then kills the Gasman last visit.

mel said...

When you say "clicks engraver of light" refers to an electronic ignition and if so, must be cleaned.
A probe is a regular "steel wool" or grinding to fine sandpaper.
If you do not have electronic ignition, contempt.

PAUL H said...

Hello Chris,
Most of the boilers of this type are working bar at around 1.0 to 1.5. May and the problems that arise with your thermostat, the hot rod driver, which in turn stops the flow of gas? This also disables the gas does not work properly if kept open by conducting heat to the gas valve.
Water companies (ie Thames Water) is the only guarantee to stop OSV valve 1 bar, or to and talk about "flow" no pressure. This solves some (if the speed) by reducing the diameter of the source of cold water near the boiler (standard 25 mm MDPE, if a property is relatively new, up to 15 mm (last 12)
If the building is old and has led to pipes or iron may be that the holes were reduced in the internal tanks?
There is something in the heatingGin to solve real, get some kind of Corgi approved
Good luck

myothern... said...

Have you checked to ensure that the circulation pump work? Got one?

Daddybea... said...

Hello Chris, do not tell you whether you want a manual or not, could be the first place to start, because the LED lights can give some clues. The strength lies in their sequence, but somewhat aloof,) may have a flow switch (water or air. Download the manual and then a little more information. I think you mean that's the pressure of CH, because it is a combination of boilers and can be artificially induced in order to operate the heater. The heater is not on the flow and pressure to reduce the flow as the water temperature in the heat exchanger to increase for more
then consumers> Literature> Make 24

jayktee9... said...

If you do not pipe circuit CH CH What? Is there water there. Perhaps the bypass valve or pressure switch takes place. I do not understand why you have a combi boiler no CH! Have you tried a reset button. Chimney fan is running. Is the burner light orange light?

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