Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Videos De Pillados Why Are The Conspiracy Videos About 9-11 So Much More Convincing Than The Conspiracy De-bunking Videos?

Why are the conspiracy videos about 9-11 so much more convincing than the conspiracy de-bunking videos? - videos de pillados

They are pleasant to watch. Check out the propaganda of Michael Moore. They were all lies and spin, but they were funny. I wonder where he is. The odd thing is so quiet in this election. The Democrats say keep your mouth shut, before he helped them to lose an election?


chuck.mu... said...

I've seen nothing convincing, a conspiracy theory.

What videos are you mean?

Do they have to show someone to sneak in a building, the establishment of an implosion device, and then lead outside the building. How could she have time to do so?

She raised an interesting point, where I, the "compelling video?

Scott R said...

The videos will be discredited by the people at MIT and so, who to believe?

Only the weak minded to drop the conspiracy

Scott R said...

The videos will be discredited by the people at MIT and so, who to believe?

Only the weak minded to drop the conspiracy

HD said...

Your question has been answered many years ago, I can not believe that there are still people who question how Aburdene.

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